A Chiropractic adjustment is a gentle, specific force applied in a specific direction, to a specific vertebrae or joint. The purpose of the adjustment is to restore the biomechanics and neurologic health positively influence the function of the nervous and musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic treatments help restore normal motion to the joints so the brain can more effectively do it's job of reducing pain, maintaining health,strength, and coordination which results in increased performance.
Dr. Hal is one of the most experienced chiropractors that treats horses in Minnesota. His clients, which include veterinarians and top rated riders in every discipline, very frequently comment that Dr. Hal provides the most thorough and effective chiropractic care for their horse that they have ever seen (including those that have been to Oklahoma and Texas)! Take a look at the other pages from the drop-down menu showing the very unique combination of healing modalities offered.
This includes a thorough history and examination (gait evaluation, joint and soft tissue palpation, applied kinesiology) to determine the cause of your horse's pain or performance issue. Because Craniosacral therapy is absolutely crucial in restoring the health and balance of your horse it is included in EVERY treatment.
Poor saddle fit or placement is often times a contributing factor in back soreness. It also can cause significant restrictions in the freedom of movement. This will ALWAYS lead to performance issues, pain, as well as mood changes.
Because it is so important, saddle fit evaluation is included with a chiropractic treatment. Please reference the "Saddle Fit" page for more information.
Myofascial therapy to assist in the horse releasing the jaw. The jaw is the first joint that has to move to start a proper turn.